Every Voice, Every Vote

Learn how you can take action in the Reform Jewish Movement's 2024 campaign to strengthen our democracy by encouraging and protecting voter participation.

Our Hearts are with the People of Israel

Our hearts are with the people of Israel at this difficult time and we pray for the safety and immediate release of all of the hostages. See our resources and actions you can take.

Ethics Accountability

The safety of every person in our community is our sacred moral responsibility. This is, and always will be, our highest priority. Learn how to report incidents of harassment, abuse, or misconduct to the URJ or other Reform movement institutions.

Sign Up for a REDI Workshop!

The URJ Racial Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (REDI) team offers a variety of free workshops which highlights the important year-round work. Register now.

Take Action

Sign at rally that says Reform Jews Fight for Reproductive Rights

Urge the Senate to pass the Women’s Health Protection Act

It’s time to codify abortion rights in law. Urge the Senate to pass the Women’s Health Protection Act, which would establish a legal right for health care providers to provide, and for their patients to receive, abortion services free of restrictions and bans that delay or obstruct access to care. The House passed the bill in September; now it’s time for the Senate to act.

Front of Supreme Court building

Support the Study and Development of Reparations for Slavery and Systemic Racism

The ongoing wounds of slavery and more than four centuries of entrenched racial oppression continues to impact every part of American society. Systemic disparities and injustices will endure unless proactive steps are taken to acknowledge and eliminate them. Urge your elected officials to cosponsor the Commission to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African-Americans Act (S. 40/H.R. 40).  

Press Releases

Get Involved at The Local Level

RAC in Your State

Our state-based affiliates in California, Illinois, New York, New Jersey, Florida, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Texas build power, mobilize congregations and engage the Reform Jewish community nationwide in the pursuit of justice.

Become a Leader

Leadership Development

We want to empower you to get involved and grow your leadership skills! The RAC hosts a wide variety of programs, conferences and events focusing on social justice, direct service, or legislative and policy action. From high school students to rabbis, you can find something for everyone here!

What's New

Shop the RAC Store

Show your support for the RAC’s mission to educate, inspire, and mobilize the Reform Jewish Movement to advocate for social justice!

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