Gun Violence Prevention

The Reform Movement, led by students and NFTY, is outraged at the current lack of legislative action and political leadership that allows this horrible violence to continue. This epidemic is not natural, nor normal and gun violence can be prevented.


The epidemic of gun violence continues to plague individuals and communities across the United States, including our own Jewish communities as well as those of our friends, neighbors, colleagues, and partners. The Reform Movement, led by students and NFTY, is outraged at the current lack of legislative action and political leadership that allows this horrible violence to continue. This epidemic is not natural, nor normal and gun violence can be prevented. Drawing on Jewish traditions and values, we remain committed to taking action by engaging in community and legislative advocacy to end the gun violence epidemic.

Why Should Jews Care?

Jewish tradition emphasizes the sanctity and eternal value of human life. The Talmud teaches that: 

“One who takes a life, it is though they have destroyed the universe. And one who saves a life, it is as though they have saved the universe” (Mishnah Sanhedrin 4:5).

The dehumanization of individuals and the carelessness with which human life is taken during incidents of gun violence stand in direct violation of these affirmations of our tradition. We are called upon to take action to prevent the loss of lives and end gun violence.



Urge Congress to take immediate action to stop gun violence

very year, almost 40,000 Americans die as victims of gun violence. That’s over 100 deaths per day. Americans are 25 times more likely to be killed with a gun than people in other developed nations, despite the fact that gun deaths are incredibly preventable. The scourge of gun violence in America is both a public safety issue and a public health epidemic.

Photo of kids sitting under their desks inside of a classroom

Tell Congress to require safe storage of guns in residences where minors reside

Since 2020, guns are the leading cause of death for children and teens (0-19) in the United States. The lowest rates of injury or death from unintentional child shootings occur in states with secure storage laws. Ethan's Law would help prevent such horrible tragedies and trauma from affecting American families and communities.

no more assault rifles written in chalk on street

Tell Congress to Prohibit Assault Weapons

Assault weapons murder or maim as many people as possible in the shortest amount of time. Between 2015 and 2022, mass shootings where assault weapons were used resulted in 23 times as many people wounded and twice as many people killed per incident on average. Weapons of war and mass violence do not belong in our grocery stores, restaurants, houses of worship, nightclubs, and schools.

What's New

Related Press Releases

Reform Movement Leaders Respond to Tragic Gun Massacre in Highland Park

We mourn the six lives taken today in Highland Park, IL and pray for all those injured, beloved members of our Reform Jewish community among them. On this day celebrating American independence, it is clear that Americans’ ability to live independent of the fear of gun violence is ever more elusive. With each massacre, the freedom to gather, pray, shop, learn, and simply be, free from fear of gun violence, is taken away.

Reform Movement Responds to Supreme Court’s Decision in NYSRPA v. Bruen

“In the aftermath of the unceasing spate of recent mass shootings – including the horrific mass shootings in Buffalo and Uvalde and recent gun violence at a church in Alabama, a Juneteenth concert in Washington, D.C., and in a neighborhood in New York City – it is incomprehensible that the Supreme Court has once again decided to value guns over the safety of our communities, children, and houses of worship."

Reform Judaism's Resolutions on Gun Violence Prevention

Learn more about the position of the Reform Movement on these key issues, and read the formal resolutions by URJ and CCAR.

VIEW URJ RESOLUTIONS View Resolutions from Reform Movement Affiliates

learning books

Engage Your Congregation

Gun Violence Prevention Shabbat Guide

The Religious Action Center prepared a resource guide and accompanying text study for use during Gun Violence Prevention Shabbat. 

Gun Violence Prevention Shabbat is commonly observed in June (in solidarity with National Gun Violence Awareness Day and Wear Orange) and December (in solidarity with the National Vigil for All Victims of Gun Violence and the anniversary of the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School), but the materials in this guide may be used for any Shabbat observance dedicated to honoring individuals and communities impacted by gun violence. This guide was last updated in May 2024.

RAC Reads Guide: Crossing Lines by Melanie Weiss

This guide is intended to facilitate conversations about Crossing Lines by Melanie Weiss. We hope that this guide will spark engaging and challenging discussions among Reform Jews about the complexities of gun violence.

RAC-PA 2023 Campaign to End Gun Violence

RAC-PA is engaged in a campaign in partnership with CeaseFirePA to pass a Common Agenda to End Gun Violence through the Pennsylvania State Legisture. Read more.

RAC-PA clergy resources:



an image from a RAC Gun Violence Prevention rally in 2018, March for Our Lives; boy holding up oranage sign with black letters that says "Fear has no place in our schools"

Contact our Legislative Assistants

For more information on this issue, contact CJ Wechsler.