Since 2018, RAC-IL has organized with 25+ Reform synagogues and 50,000 Reform Jews throughout Illinois to build a more just state, country, and world for all.
National Campaign
Democracy thrives when every voice is heard and every vote counted. Join our nonpartisan campaign to ensure everyone has an equal say in decisions that impact our lives.
State Campaigns
The Illinois Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism is advocating for the passage of Karina's Bill. Karina's Bill will strengthen the law which requires firearms to be removed from homes where domestic violence survivors have been granted an order of protection. Join RAC-IL as we work to pass this important legislation in November 2024.
- July 2024: Senate President Harmon promised to call the bill during November Special Session
- June 2024: U.S. Supreme Court decided in U.S. V. Rahimi that bills like Karina's Bill are constitutional
- May 31, 2024: Bill not called during regular session.
- April-May 2024: RAC-IL advocates for passage of Karina's Bill
- Over 145 Emails to Legislators
- Over 100 Calls to Legislators
- Six Lobby Meetings with Legislators
- March 2024: RAC-IL launches campaign in support of Karina's Bill
- January 2024: RAC-IL officially supports Karina's Bill
Take Action
- Email your legislator and tell them we must pass this bill now.
In the News
- RAC Press Release: Supreme Court Case United States V Rahimi
- Chicago Sun-Times: Spike in Domestic Violence Deaths Add to Calls for Passing Karina's Bill
- CBS News: Karina's Bill supporters urge lawmakers to protect domestic violence victims
- Bloomington-Normal NPR: For Third Time, Lawmakers Fail to Pass Karina's Bill
Campaign Partners
Past Successes
- Ending money bond in Illinois through the passage of The Pretrial Fairness Act
Illinois became the first state to abolish cash bail and allow a more equitable system for pretrial detention. The law is considered a national model for other states seeking to end the practice of cash bail.
- Stopping housing discrimination based on income through passage of HB 2275
The measure made discriminating against people based on their source of income explicitly against the law. This type of discrimination most often happens to people when they try to use housing vouchers or other public benefits rather than traditional wage income to pay rent. Illinois was the 20th state to pass such protections.
- Ensuring that everyone in the state can interact with law enforcement when needed, regardless of immigration status
The Illinois Way Forward Act, SB 667, strictly limited local law enforcement collaboration with civil immigration authorities and made Illinois the third state to end immigrant detention.
Contact us and Support us
- Contact RAC-IL Lead Organizer Aaron Sofian
- Follow us on Facebook
- National RAC Phone Number: 202-387-2800
RAC-IL Email Sign Up
Learn more about the RAC's key issues and get involved by signing up for the RAC-IL's newsletter.