Cantor Jason Kaufman

 Cantor Jason Kaufman

Cantor Jason Kaufman serves as Cantor at Beth El Hebrew Congregation in Alexandria, Virginia, where he has served since 2013.

Cantor Kaufman received Cantorial ordination from the Debbie Friedman School of Sacred Music at Hebrew Union College – Jewish Institute of Religion (HUC-JIR) in New York City, where he also received a Master’s in Sacred Music in 2010. Cantor Kaufman serves the Jewish community with leadership roles throughout the Union of Reform Judaism (URJ), most notably in the American Conference of Cantors (ACC) and the Religious Action Center (RAC).

Cantor Kaufman sits on the Executive Board of the American Conference of Cantors, where he is the co-chair of the Social Action and Justice Committee. Social justice is a strong Jewish value at the heart of Cantor Kaufman’s cantorate. He is incredibly proud to serve on the URJ Commission on Social Action, with a focus on voting rights, immigrant justice, and LGBTQ+ equality.

Cantor Kaufman lives in Alexandria, Virginia with his husband, Kirk McPike, and their adorable beagle, Punky.

We Have the Power of Our Vote - So Let's Use It!

Cantor Jason Kaufman

We are a little less than a month away from the 2018 midterm election in the United States, and we, as Reform Jews, must not forget the power of our vote. Our vote allows us to exercise our voices and our values as the U.S. navigates a complicated political