A Song For Courage

A Song for Courage

Debbie Perlman, Flames to Heaven: New Psalms for Healing and Praise


Reach down for me, O Eternal,

To draw me up besides You;

Coax me away from anger and fear,

Beckoning forward, climbing higher.


Grasp tightly as I grope above,

Bind my heart to You.

Place my hand upon the sturdy branch

That eases the climb to You.


For You are the sure Hand

Beneath my elbow,

Guiding my steps as the

Blind are guided.


You are the Light

Shining through dark branches

Illuminating the ascent

Through strangling vines.


You are the steady Voice

That recall me from my confusion,

And bids me order my days,

That I might turn to you in wonder.


Recall me, recall me, sing my name

That I might hear Your welcome;

Lift me, turn me, to breathe fresh air

Above the forest canopy.


Would you discover the mystery of God?

Would you discovery the limit of the Almighty?

Higher than heaven—what can you do?

Deeper than Sheol—what can you know?

But if you direct your mind,

And spread forth your hands toward Him—

You will then put misery out of mind,

Consider it as water that has flowed past.

Life will be brighter than noon;

You will shine, you will be like the morning.

You will be secure, for there is hope.


Job 11:7-8, 13, 16-18