Contact: Max Rosenblum or Jacob Kraus
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WASHINGTON, D.C., November 19, 2015 — In response to today’s violent attacks in Tel Aviv and the West Bank, Rabbi Jonah Dov Pesner, Director of the Religious Action Center, issued the following statement:
Today’s continued violence in Tel Aviv and the West Bank now add five additional names to the tragically long list of those whose lives have been cut short by senseless acts of hate. We mourn their losses and pray for their families’ comfort at this time, including the family of Massachusetts teenager Ezra Schwartz. No individual in Israel, or anywhere in the world, should fear for their lives when they step out the door to engage peacefully with the world, whether in prayer, at a concert, a restaurant or any other place. We stand strongly in solidarity with the State of Israel as we do with all those who seek peace. May the memories of those killed today be forever a blessing.