Dining Out For Life

City-wide program supporting HIV/AIDS support organizations by eating out at specific restaurants.

Community Contact Information:


  • Help organizations that assist people living with HIV/AIDS.
  • Involve local businesses and members of the community in tikkun olam.
  • Encourage congregants to patronize local businesses that do tzedakah.

Dining Out For Life is a city-wide program in which restaurants, on an appointed day, agree to donate a portion of that day's receipts to AIDS support organizations.

Contact HIV/AIDS support organizations in your area to find out if your community has a Dine Out for Life program to become a sponsoring organization; or initiate the program if it does not yet exist by contacting the owners of popular local restaurants, cafes and coffee shops.  Advertise the event through local media to maximize participation. Encourage congregational participation by sending a list of participating restaurants in the congregational mailing immediately preceding the event.

Diners will turn out in large numbers at participating restaurants, providing an economic incentive for business owners, as well as an increase in the donations to AIDS support groups. Community members will feel proud to have worked together for a good cause. Support organizations will be capable of assisting more people living with HIV/AIDS.