Human Rights

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Purim: Global Human Rights and Genocide

Purim reminds us that the evils of persecution and genocide are ever-present threats to humanity. Haman accuses the Jews of being a people scattered and dispersed who scorn the king’s law and obey their own laws (Esther 3:8-11).

Jewish Values and Torture

Jewish law presents some conflicting principles that effect how Jews view torture. According to Jewish law, one is permitted to defend oneself by killing an attacker if one's life is immediately threatened.

Position of the Reform Movement on Torture

In November, 2005, the Union for Reform Judaism’s General Assembly passed a Resolution on Torture that affirms the validity of international treaties to which the U.S. is a party and the legal definitions of torture present in international law, and demands that the U.S.

Background on Torture

Since the tragic events of September 11th, 2001, the United States has struggled with how to support civil liberties and human rights while ensuring security for its citizens. There has been increasing evidence that some U.S.