Interested helping your students get the most out of their time at L'Taken? Use these resources before, during, and after your trip to D.C. to enrich the experience of your students.


Recruit Your Students for the Trip

The RAC has resources available to help you in recruiting and marketing the L'Taken seminar to your students and families.


Before You Go

Programs to introduce your students to the RAC, advocacy, and social justice before you arrive in DC:


Enhancing the DC Experience

Make those most out of your time in D.C. with these additional resources!

  • Quiz: How Well do you know D.C.? - A fun quiz to help you learn about this wonderful city we call our nation’s capital! See how well you did with the answer key here.
  • Holocaust Museum Conversation - Some framing and debrief questions for student’s visits to the US Holocaust Museum and Memorial. These question explore the students’ experiences in the museum, and pushes them to think more broadly about the lessons we can learn from the Holocaust.
  • Blessings and Readings - Enrich your experience in D.C. with these meaningful readings and blessings for the unique experiences you will have on L’Taken.


Taking L'Taken Home

Use these resources to keep the conversation and advocacy going even after your time in D.C. has ended

  • Post L'Taken Program - Through this interactive program, students will reflect on their experiences, what they learned, and make a plan for a way to continue being advocates after returning home from their L'Taken weekend.
  • Debriefing Guidlines - Help your teens unpack their experience on L'Taken with a wide variety of sample questions, conversations, activities, and programs!
  • Bringing L'Taken Home - Here are some tips and tools you can use to help your teens share their experiences, knowledge, and passion with family, friends, your congregation, and the broader community! 
  • 4 Hatikva Questions - This curriculum is based on the framework of the "4 Hatikva Questions" – “To Be”, “A People”, “Free”, “In Our Land,” taken from the penultimate line of Israel’s National Anthem “Hatikva – The Hope.” The 4HQ methodology is designed to empower educators, rabbis, activists, and community leaders across the political and ideological spectrum to ask tough questions, articulate compelling visions, and provides the content and tools to craft honest and intellectually challenging programming and education.
  • Write to Your Elected Officials - Print postcards to write a thank you note to the member or staff member for taking the time to meet with you, and remind them of the ask you made while you were there. Or write your Member of Congress about a different issue.  
  • Keep AdvocatingLearn about key social justice issues through a Reform Jewish and moral lens, and contact Congress through our Legislative Action Center!
  • Schedule an In-District Meeting - Your elected representatives all have offices in your communities. Continue to build your relationship with elected officials by setting up an in-district meeting. This guide can help! 
  • Tips for a Successful Legislative Visit - Make your meeting as impactful as possible with these tips! 
  • Mental Health Resources - This document provides a variety of Jewish and secular mental health resources.