Become an "Immigrant Justice" Congregation

The North American Immigrant Justice Campaign is designed to encourage URJ congregations to declare themselves "Immigrant Justice" Congregations, signifying their work to protect and defend undocumented immigrants facing deportation. In order to self-designate as an “Immigrant Justice” Congregation, a community must be actively doing one or more of the following:

  1. Supporting undocumented immigrants with financial, legal, materials or other forms of support
  2. Working to advance pro-immigration policies and legislation on a local, state or federal level
  3. Working on individual deportation cases
  4. Providing physical shelter to one or more undocumented immigrants within their facilities (also known as providing “Sanctuary”)

("Sanctuary" Congregations, "Solidarity" Congregations and other similar designations will be considered "Immigrant Justice" Congregations for the purposes of this campaign.)

Below is a list of current URJ "Immigrant Justice" Congregations. The resources and materials used by these congregations to make their decisions are linked below:

To join the campaign and let us know what your congregation is doing to protect and defend undocumented immigrants, click here!