Katie Wysong

Katie Wysong is a 2019-2020 Eisendrath Legislative Assistant at the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism (RAC). She is from San Mateo in the San Francisco Bay Area, where she was a member of Peninsula Temple Beth El


From Immigration to Parole Reform, RAC State Projects Secure Racially Just Policies

Katie Wysong
In April, when the Reform movement launched its Racial Justice Campaign, Reform leaders were already advocating for racially just policies across several states. Each of the eight RAC state projects from California to New Jersey has launched its own legislative campaign focused on racial justice. Reform leaders in four of these states have succeeded in securing crucial legislation that will advance racial justice or defeating harmful legislation alongside diverse coalition partners.

Why We Wear Orange on June 4th

Katie Wysong
Logan Zinman

Everyday more than 100 Americans are killed by guns and over 300 more people are injured. Friday, June 4 is Wear Orange Day, a national day of awareness about the scourge of gun violence in the United States.

Orange is the color that Hadiya Pendleton’s

Equal Pay Day: Help fight gender-based wage discrimination

Katie Wysong

Equal Pay Day is not a holiday to celebrate, but rather a day we use to bring attention to the ongoing injustice of pay discrimination in the United States. March 31 marks how far into the new year women must work to receive in wages what their male