Adopt a Caseworker

Raising money to provide food, clothing, furniture, car seats, and tutoring for the welfare recipients assigned to specific caseworkers.

Community Contact Information:
Temple Beth Israel 
Scottsdale, AZ


  •  Empowering congregants to provide support in a demonstrable way to the needy.
  • Helping congregants connect direct action with legislation and current events.
  • Engaging congregants to use their skills and strengths for tikkun olam.

This program was formulated partially in response to Congress’ 1996 welfare reform bill. After learning that case workers only identify the needs of their clients and are not able to provide for those needs, the congregation took upon itself to "adopt" two caseworkers and provide their clients with the necessary funding to meet their needs. Such needs include food, clothing, furniture, car seats, bicycles, tutoring, extra-curricular activities, daycare registration fees and school trips. Through partnership with other fundraising efforts, this program helps wards of the state currently in foster care who need a little help to "make it" in the current system. 

Caseworkers prepare data on needs for volunteer organizers. Advertising the program takes place throughout the synagogue: through temple bulletins, announcements after services, distribution of donation envelopes, etc. 

Project Implementation:
Congregants bring filled donation envelopes to synagogue and deposit them in a dedicated box in the temple office. Committee member in charge of finance periodically checks box and processes donations. Funds are collected and distributed to case workers. 

The first year, it began with fifty volunteers and continues to expand. From seed money of $300, this program now provides over $4,500 worth of aid a year.