Jewish Values & Position of the Reform Movement on Religious Persecution

Jewish Values and International Religious Freedom 

Our tradition teaches us that: "God said to Moses: Is there anyone whom I do not respect? Whether it be Israelite or Gentile, man or woman, slave or handmaid, whoever does a good deed, shall find the reward at its side" (Midrash Yalku Lekh Leka 76). God is sending us a message here and that message is clear — God will judge us based on our deeds, not our religious beliefs. As we seek to live our lives conscious of being created in God's image, we must work to ensure that no one is discriminated based on his or her religious beliefs.

The Jewish community has been the quintessential victims of religious persecution, and of all people, we understand the duress of this persecution and will devote ourselves to any measures designed to lessen its impact. It is our duty and obligation to prevent this persecution in the future.

Position on Reform Movement and International Religious Freedom 

The URJ Resolution on Intnerational Religious Freedom (2003) calls upon all nations to end persecution on the basis of religious beliefs or practices and upon the govnerments of the United States and Canada to support relgious freedom around the word. 

In 1950 the CCAR called for guaranteeing of human rights and fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to race, sex, language, or religion. It further wishes that all the children of God may be guaranteed the full enjoyment of their inalienable rights and fundamental freedoms.

Other Resolutions


Resolution on Religious Persecution in China (2001)
Resolution on Religious Persecution in Sudan (2001)