About GreenFaith: Jewish Values & RAC Partnership

In Genesis 2:15, humankind is commanded to "till and tend" the earth, to act as a steward and to safeguard the planet from destruction. How can we live up to the commandment to tend and to pass on the earth to the next generation? There are many things we can do now, within our congregations, communities, and homes, to reduce our carbon footprint and protect our natural resources. The RAC's partnership with GreenFaith allows congregations - and their members - to become leaders in environmental justice and stewardship through the GreenFaith Shield Program.

Through a generous grant, we are pleased to be able to cover the tuition for up to 20 congregations that would like to participate in the GreenFaith Energy Shield Program

Since 2010, the Religious Action Center has partnered with GreenFaith, an interfaith environmental organization that works with houses of worship, religious schools and people of all faiths to help them become better environmental stewards. By joining forces, we've helped connect Reform congregations to GreenFaith's transformative programming.

As Reform Jews, family and community are central to our lives. We are reminded again and again throughout our liturgy to pass on our tradition l'dor v'dor, from generation to generation. So too, must we pass on the earth that we have been given. Now is the pivotal moment in history to ensure that our children and grandchildren inherit a habitable earth, free from the devastation of climate destruction.

For more on the RAC's work on environmental issues and fighting climate change, visit the RAC's Environmental Issues page or contact Liz Mitlak, Congregational Engagement Fellow.